Anatomy of an optimized website

Anatomy of an optimized website

The Perks Of An Optimized Website
Website SEO is important and you must optimize a web page completely so you can get the right leads. Here, we are going to talk about the different ways by which you can optimize your web page in a befitting manner.

If you are wondering as to what are the benefits of an optimized page will serve, here are some of the pros associated with website SEO.

Rank Higher in Google
In order to do well, it is important to rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing. When your web page has been optimized, it will allow you to rank higher and this will improve your traffic as well.

Social Media Presence
With the right content which has been aptly optimized, it will be a lot easier to develop the right kind of social media presence on the internet. This way, you will also be able to leverage the right amount of traffic from social networking sites.

Let’s take a look at the different parts of an optimized web page.
This is the link of your website and web pages. You should ensure that it contains the targeted keyword. It helps in identifying the file structure which has been used in your website. You should use hyphens in the URL for improving the readability but avoid using special characters or underscores.

The Tags
This is important for website SEO and mainly used for improving traffic.

• The title tag is the name of your web page and it should ideally contain the targeted keywords in it. You should place keywords at the beginning of the title and the ideal length is 55 characters max.
• The Meta description tag is the snippet which you see on search engines. It is an HTML attribute with length mostly between 140 to 156 characters.
• The header tags help in adding better readability as it can act as a submodule within your article. There are up to 6 levels as you can choose from H1 to H6 with H6 being the smallest. You should use H1 tag once in your article. Ideally, you shouldn’t jumble up the sequence of tags, unless absolutely necessary.

The Visual Elements
Mostly, it has been seen that images, videos, and illustration add to the interactive aspect and it helps in better optimization. When you are adding an image, make sure to add an alt text as an image attribute. This text is displayed when the image fails to loads up. Also, try and include the keyword in the filename of your visual elements.

The Article Copy
Finally, you need to be sure that your copy is compelling, engaging and worth a share. The more shares your article gets, the better it will be for you. So, work your way towards making a great article body with well-formulated paragraphs. Do not use overly technical words which might hamper reading. Bold and italicize the keywords for better search engine results.

This should help you get an optimized web page which will definitely work its charm for you. If you need more help from website SEO experts read more.